26. Do I have to do this sober thing forever?
Answer: No
Result: Shortest podcast episode ever
... or is there a better question with a better answer?
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BTW - If you didn't already know, I'm Sarah - Drink Less; Live Better founder, best-selling author, expert speaker, life coach and, as you already know, podcast host!
We don't have to hit rock bottom, we're allowed to want something different and we can CHOOSE to improve our lives from this point onwards.
I work in the magic space where doubt, hope and action meet... oh.... and
PS I believe in you!
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Hello, darling heart, and welcome to the Drink Less, Live Better podcast. This is the podcast that helps you to see that drinking
-:less doesn't need to be stressful, lonely, or boring. I'm your host, Sarah Williamson, and I decided to have a year alcohol
-:free as a little life experiment and haven't looked back. With my experience and training, I now help other women with their
-:alcohol free or drink less adventures. I'm here to tell you that you can be truly joyful without alcohol in your life. Join
-:me here each week to find out how. A question: do I have to do this sober thing forever? Answer. No. Result. The shortest
-:podcast episode ever. Should we leave it there or is there room for a bit of expansion here? Okay, a few thoughts then. Let's
-:begin by focusing on the right now. Have you been alcohol free or drinking significantly less for an extended period of time?
-:If not, then I'd kindly suggest you give it more than 6 months to really feel and enjoy all the benefits of it. If you've
-:been alcohol free for more than a year, then what better questions can we ask than is this forever? How do I feel better now
-:than when I was drinking? For me, the answer to that is an unequivocal yes. I know for sure that I'm better physically, emotionally
-:and spiritually for not drinking, so for now I carry on. What are the bits that you're missing from your drinking life? Be
-:careful before you answer this. Make sure you're not romanticising or looking back with rose tinted glasses when you remember
-:the good stuff. Make sure you acknowledge the bad. If you can pinpoint what you feel you're missing, and come up with an alternative
-:that will serve you well. I sometimes feel I miss random, rambling conversations that were only born out of a loss of inhibition
-:and vulnerability, but I've found my people, those who are prepared to have those random conversations with me, sober. If
-:you know who you are, you know who you are. Find a way to reintroduce the missing bit of your life. Can you swap your night
-:out dancing for a day rave? Can you swap dressing up for a night out for dressing up for a day out? Can you swap wine tastings
-:for day spas? So back to the question, do I have to do this forever? The answer is still no, but for me, I want to. When I
-:decided to try my alcohol free life experiment, I knew I could easily do a month. I had evidence in the form of previous dry
-:January's and sober October's, and was pretty sure I could do 3 months or even 6. But a year felt questionable, outside my
-:comfort zone, and definitely a bit challenging. Did I have to commit to a year? No. But I wanted to. The reason it helped
-:was because it pushed the decision away. Once I'd got started on a year, I didn't really question my decision, I just carried
-:on with it. No one makes us choose the goals we set for ourselves. If I'm never doing this again, or I'm doing this forever
-:feels good for you, then brilliant. I'm delighted for you. Say the words out loud and then back them up with action. I'm doing
-:an alcohol free experiment for a year felt like a good statement to me, a thought I was happy to have in my head. It made
-:me feel full of possibility and led me to behave as if I could do it and feel great about it. I didn't feel trapped, and I
-:didn't feel overwhelmed. If I'd have given myself a thought like, I'm never drinking again, that would have led to feelings
-:of being trapped or deprived and would possibly have led to me behaving like a toddler in full meltdown. I know that it was
-:better to choose not to put me in that position, and, certainly, that was better for my family too. Nothing we choose in life
-:has to be forever. We can always reroute, reverse, or replan. We can change, we can adapt, and we can say what we do want
-:and what we don't want. We can change our minds about who we are. I used to be the life and soul of the party, leading the
-:chants to the dance floor and, last, off the dance floor. I'm retired from all that now. I'm joyfully retired from all that.
-:I don't have to do it, and I'm choosing the things I do want. Thank you for listening to this episode. Please listen in again
-:next time. You can sign up for my 5 day drink less experiment and find out about working with me one to 1 at drink less, live
-:better.com. I'd love it if you could 5 star rate this podcast and leave me a review. All that chisel helps, you know. Thank
-:you, and PS, I believe in you.