198. The pain of work vs The pain of regret
It's a fundamental truth of life - there will be two 'hards' and you get to choose which one you want.
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BTW - If you didn't already know, I'm Sarah - Drink Less; Live Better founder, best-selling author, expert speaker, life coach and, as you already know, podcast host!
We don't have to hit rock bottom, we're allowed to want something different and we can CHOOSE to improve our lives from this point onwards.
I work in the magic space where doubt, hope and action meet... oh.... and
PS I believe in you!
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Hello darling heart and welcome to this episode of the Drink Less, Live Better podcast.
-:This is the podcast that helps you to see that drinking less doesn't need to be stressful, lonely, or boring.
-:I'm your host, Sarah Williamson, and I decided to have a year alcohol free as a little life experiment and haven't looked back.
-:I'm here to support you with your alcohol free or drink less adventures.
-:Follow me on Instagram at drink less, live better.
-:Find resources on my website, drink less, live better.com, and buy my book, drink less, live better.
-:It's available in all the places you might buy a book. Perfect for dry January.
-:I hope you enjoy this podcast episode. Let's get straight to it.
-:The pain of work versus the pain of regret. A fundamental truth of life.
-:The choice between the pain of work and the pain of regret, also known as choosing your hard.
-:Let's look at 3 potential, well, pains. 1st, alcohol.
-:Specifically, the decision to quit it or cut back.
-:The next time you're faced with a choice, whether that is out with your friends or your partner or family or at home on the
-:sofa and the idea of a drink is presented to you by your own brain or by somebody else.
-:The pain of work here means pushing through social occasions alcohol free, dealing with awkward explanations, if you feel
-:you have to, and facing your anxieties without the tool you've relied on in the past.
-:It means rebuilding your social skills and finding new ways to unwind that might be hard, and I understand that. But the pain of regret?
-:That is waking up at 40, 50 or 60 and realising you've spent 2, 3, or 4 decades numbing yourself instead of choosing yourself.
-:It's looking back at relationships not fulfilled, opportunities missed, and mornings lost to hangovers.
-:The work is temporary, but the regret will last a lifetime, I'm sorry to say.
-:The work is holding firm in your values and your beliefs. Okay. 2nd, relationships.
-:In particular, the effort required to maintain them.
-:The pain of work here means having difficult conversations when you'd rather scroll through your phone.
-:It means showing up emotionally when you're exhausted, making that call to your parents, sibling, friend, even when you're
-:busy, or working through conflicts with your partner instead of letting them simmer.
-:It's demanding and often uncomfortable, but the pain of regret in relationships cuts deep.
-:It might be standing at a parent's funeral wishing you asked more questions about their life. It's realizing your children
-:partner has built a full emotional life that doesn't include you because you never made the effort to be truly present. Awkward, I know.
-:The work here is connecting. 3rd, rest. Real, rejuvenating rest.
-:The pain of work here might seem counterintuitive, but it's very, very real.
-:It means setting boundaries at work, potentially disappointing others, and facing your own thoughts instead of drowning them in busyness.
-:It means learning to say no, risking career advancement, and sometimes watching others get ahead of you while you prioritize your well-being. But the pain of regret?
-:That is finding yourself at 50 with chronic health issues because you never gave your body and mind time to recover.
-:It's realizing you've spent your entire life running on empty, achieving goals, but never truly enjoying them because you're too exhausted to feel satisfied.
-:The work is stillness, relaxation, time to be, not time to do.
-:What we know for sure, the pain of work is front loaded.
-:It's immediate and often intense, but ultimately worthwhile.
-:The pain of regret, however, compounds over time.
-:It's the slow poison of what if and if only that lingers.
-:The pain of work is like going to the gym.
-:It's uncomfortable in the moment, but you do walk away stronger.
-:The pain of regret is like watching your health deteriorate while your unused gym membership auto renews each month. 1 pain one pain makes you better. The other pain slowly diminishes you.
-:The choice isn't between pain and no pain, it's about choosing the pain that leads to growth and change over the pain that leads to regret.
-:Question for you and question for me, which pain am I choosing in my life right now, and is that okay? Thank you for listening in today. Come back again next week.
-:Check out the show notes for a link to a hidden podcast episode that will help you with your 5 PM cravings and details about
-:my one to one life coaching and sober coaching programs. And PS, I believe in you.