Episode 18

Published on:

8th Sep 2021

18. Why I drank when my children were small

Overdrinking on a Friday night became a habit and I wasn't sure how it became such a fixture in my life... I felt I NEEDED to celebrate the end of the week. I definitely wasn't emotionally available for my children on a Friday evening - I'm so happy things are different now!

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BTW - If you didn't already know, I'm Sarah - Drink Less; Live Better founder, best-selling author, expert speaker, life coach and, as you already know, podcast host!

We don't have to hit rock bottom, we're allowed to want something different and we can CHOOSE to improve our lives from this point onwards. 

I work in the magic space where doubt, hope and action meet... oh.... and

PS I believe in you!

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Hello, darling heart, and welcome to the drink less, live better podcast. This is the podcast that helps you to see that drinking


less doesn't need to be stressful, lonely, or boring. I'm your host, Sarah Williamson, and I decided to have a year alcohol


free as a little life experiment and haven't looked back. With my experience and training, I now help other women with their


alcohol free or drink less adventures. I'm here to tell you that you can relax, connect, and have fun without alcohol in your


life. Join me here each week to find out how. Today, I'd like to tell you a story about my drinking and my children. When


my children were very small and after I'd stopped breastfeeding, I started using alcohol as a way of celebrating the end of


each week. At the time, I would often happily not drink Sunday through to Thursday, but Friday nights became a ritual of over


drinking. I look back now and wonder how this phase in my life got so out of control. I was lucky to have 2 beautiful children


close in age, a lovely house, fabulous husband, and supportive extended family and friends. I started binge drinking on Friday


night using the reason that it was the end of the week and just needed celebrating. I would get together with a group of girlfriends


who all had children of a similar age. We'd cook the kids' tea and then get stuck into the wine office. We had a giggle. We


chatted about what had gone on during the week, what our weekend plans were, what we wanted our futures to look like, and,


of course, we talked endlessly about our children. We shared stories, experiences, and dreams, and bonded because of the phase


we were in in our lives. Of course, this could have been enough by itself, but it wasn't. We also bonded because we drank


a lot together. Although we were thinking we were having meaningful conversations on a Friday night, they were never ever


remembered the next morning, and we were never able to pick up where we left off and continue. We probably had the same conversation


every Friday night for years. We would crack open a bottle at about 5 o'clock, and husbands would swing by from 7 o'clock


onwards to collect mums and toddlers and take them home. By this time, I would be totally done for. There were many Friday


nights where the children were quickly ushered to bed. I collapsed on the sofa, and I didn't cook dinner for my husband or


I. All of this was done in the name of fun, and at the time, I really did think it was fun. But I look back now and wondered


why none of us questioned what we were doing, or if they did, I didn't hear it. All of this came to a very natural end when


the children got a bit bigger, and Friday night started to involve clubs after school or other activities. Where I had been


one of the instigators of a Friday night fun, I started to offer to host it less and enjoy hangover free mornings more. I've


got to mention that Saturday morning hangovers now, really, a crushing hangover and 2 very early rising toddlers is surely


a special kind of hell. I cannot tell you how many times I watched Thomas the Tank Engine at 6 o'clock on a Saturday morning


wondering if I was going to be sick or pass out. It was not good. When I first decided I'd go alcohol free, I wondered about


the impact my drinking on Friday nights had had on my children. Obviously, I was not emotionally present for them on Friday


evenings once I'd opened that first bottle. Today, I try not to dwell on decisions in my past I would now make differently.


Today, I focus on all the good stuff. I believe that a lot of parenting is about modelling behaviour, and I now know my children


are seeing and hearing about around alcohol that make me feel much more positive, and I hope to pass some of that on to them.


Thank you for listening to this episode. Please listen in again next time. You can sign up to my 5 day drink less experiment


and find out about working with me one to 1, drink less, live better.com. It would make me happier than a Buddhist monk if


you would please subscribe, 5 star review, and leave a lovely comment about this podcast on whatever platform you listen.


Imagine it like the tasting notes on the finest wine I am never going to drink. Thank you, and PS, I believe in you.

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About the Podcast

Drink Less; Live Better
Drinking Less isn't stressful, lonely or boring - let me show you the ways to relax, connect and have fun without alcohol in your life
THIS is the magic place where doubt, hope and action meet!

Let's find JOY and COLOUR on the other side of alcohol!

We don't have to hit rock bottom, we're allowed to want something different and we CAN choose to improve our lives from this point onwards. ​

Sarah was 40 and reconsidering her relationship with alcohol. ​ ​

She was tired and overwhelmed; she'd got a lot on her mind and a glass of wine or a G and T at the end of the day seemed like a treat or escape but... deep down she knew she wasn't doing herself any favours with this habit. ​ ​

Are you thinking about drinking less? ​ Sarah brings you tips, advice, motivation and believes that the changes we bring into our lives when we choose to be alcohol free are worth celebrating and shouting about (she also believes in YOU)!​

Sarah Williamson retired from drinking alcohol in 2019 and now uses her extensive coaching and mentoring experience to help and support others to do the same!

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Sarah Williamson

I work in the magic space where doubt, hope and action meet.

Let's find JOY and COLOUR on the other side of alcohol!

We don't have to hit rock bottom, we're allowed to want something different and we CAN choose to improve our lives from this point onwards.