Episode 14

Published on:

5th Aug 2021

14. The financial cost of alcohol

Honestly? How much do you spend on alcohol and not just the booze itself but the associated costs; taxis, accidental online shopping, hangover breakfasts, paracetamol? What could you spend that money on instead - what would make you feel better not worse each weekend?


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BTW - If you didn't already know, I'm Sarah - Drink Less; Live Better founder, best-selling author, expert speaker, life coach and, as you already know, podcast host!

We don't have to hit rock bottom, we're allowed to want something different and we can CHOOSE to improve our lives from this point onwards. 

I work in the magic space where doubt, hope and action meet... oh.... and

PS I believe in you!

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Hello, darling heart, and welcome to the drink less, live better podcast. This is the podcast that helps you to see that drinking


less doesn't need to be stressful, lonely, or boring. I'm your host, Sarah Williamson, and I decided to have a year alcohol


free as a little life experiment and haven't looked back. With my experience and training, I now help other women with their


alcohol free or drink less adventures. I'm here to tell you that you can relax, connect, and have fun without alcohol in your


life. Join me here each week to find out how. Alcohol and money. I used to spend a lot of money on alcohol. I wouldn't ever


have told you I spent too much on booze because what I was spending was money on fun, and hey, what price do you put on fun?


Part of the irony now that I look back on the situations that were supposed to be particularly fun, like big birthdays or


parties, days at the races and other big days out, weddings and anniversaries, I can remember very little as alcohol stole


those memories. Anyway, back to The Price of Fun. Of course, on a night out, you buy drinks, but there are also the associated


costs, a taxi because you cannot drive, extra rounds at the end of the evening, perhaps there was takeaway food on the way


home and maybe a breakfast in a greasy spoon the next day, paracetamol, and the list goes on. I had my nights out drinking


I used to do, but also my nights in drinking. This alcohol was just added casually to the weekly shop of course, so it never


really felt like spending money, but it was. My average weekly shop has gone down in price significantly. When I drank at


home, I was also prone to a bit of late night online shopping. It was often a bit of a surprise to see what urgent purchase


on a Friday or Saturday night turned up on a Tuesday morning. When I first started to use an app to count my days without


a drink, I also tracked my saved cash on it. Seeing the money add up became a real pleasure. Last year I put off buying a


really fancy pants backpack. It was waterproof, just the right size, had lovely pockets and was really expensive. I had it


in my online shopping basket for a couple of weeks until the day I thought, hang on a second, I've wasted so much money on


booze in the past and saved this year by not spending it with only hangovers to show I'm having that bag, and I did, and I


love it. When I went out for dinner with friends, the dining element may have been 20 to £30, but the bill split was always


for around 60 or £70 odd each. We drank cocktails, fizz, and wine all evening. When I'm out with the girls now, they always


insist on taking the booze off the bill so I don't pay for it. I couldn't care less, as I'm really happy to be out having


a fab time, but I do feel good spending a fraction of the cash on a night out, and I'm always happy to be the taxi driver


for everyone home too. After I had gone a while into my alcohol free life experiment, I committed to doing something totally


fabulous. I now pay for a cleaner, which fills my heart with joy. I never used to love cleaning, and the thought now of choosing


either a lovely clean house or a few bottles of booze, I choose clean house every time. When I finish work on a Friday and


the kids get home from school, I have a quick scan of the room I'm in and think, oh, my house feels lovely. I'm so lucky to


have someone to help me with this. I've chosen this for myself, and this is how I want Friday evenings to feel. Thank you


for listening to this episode. Please listen in again next time. You can sign up to my 5 day drink less experiment and find


out about working with me one to 1 at drink less, live better.com. It would make me happier than a Buddhist monk if you would


please subscribe, 5 star review, and comment on my podcast on whatever platform you listen. Imagine it like tasting notes


on the finest wine I am never going to drink. Thank you, and PS, I believe in you.

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About the Podcast

Drink Less; Live Better
Drinking Less isn't stressful, lonely or boring - let me show you the ways to relax, connect and have fun without alcohol in your life
THIS is the magic place where doubt, hope and action meet!

Let's find JOY and COLOUR on the other side of alcohol!

We don't have to hit rock bottom, we're allowed to want something different and we CAN choose to improve our lives from this point onwards. ​

Sarah was 40 and reconsidering her relationship with alcohol. ​ ​

She was tired and overwhelmed; she'd got a lot on her mind and a glass of wine or a G and T at the end of the day seemed like a treat or escape but... deep down she knew she wasn't doing herself any favours with this habit. ​ ​

Are you thinking about drinking less? ​ Sarah brings you tips, advice, motivation and believes that the changes we bring into our lives when we choose to be alcohol free are worth celebrating and shouting about (she also believes in YOU)!​

Sarah Williamson retired from drinking alcohol in 2019 and now uses her extensive coaching and mentoring experience to help and support others to do the same!

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About your host

Profile picture for Sarah Williamson

Sarah Williamson

I work in the magic space where doubt, hope and action meet.

Let's find JOY and COLOUR on the other side of alcohol!

We don't have to hit rock bottom, we're allowed to want something different and we CAN choose to improve our lives from this point onwards.